Custom Gifts

Sangeeta Bharati’s books can be cobranded and customized for your private events, school programs, baby showers, birthdays and rangapravesha (rangarohana/arangetrams) return gifts, etc.

How does it work?

On the book of your selection, the front and back covers can be customized for your needs. The front cover can be partially customized while the back cover can be 100% customized. For example, in a Tillana book, your dance pose can be used in place of an existing image, and your event name and your logo can be used (see below samples).

Only the printed books are delivered. The cobranded, customized digital copies are the property of Sangeeta Bharati America Inc. and can’t be shared with anyone.

Customization Pricing

Customization cost: $199 payable to Sangeeta Bharati using the link

Printing Cost

It depends on the volume and other options. Please call:
Sameer Darekar +91 9960013113 (Bharat).
KN Shivakumar +13126188270 (USA).


Co-Branding Samples

Bhagawad Gita

Book customized for Aum Ashram, San Antonio, TX.

Bhagawad Gita - Aum Ashram Final_Front

Front View

Bhagawad Gita - Aum Ashram Final_Back

Back View

Nursery Rhymes

Book customized for a rangarohana’s (rangapravesha/arangetram) return gift

Nursery Rhymes Jahnavi Edition_Front

Front View

Nursery Rhymes Jahnavi Edition_Back

Back View